Howdy all. Every year, we look forward to a little shindig we started back in the late 80’s over in the Methow valley. On the first full weekend in March, we caravan on over to the frontier town of Winthrop and fly in the snow over the Methow river between Winthrop and Twisp. It used to just be a vacation for us, a way to go do some flyting deep into our offseason, but then our passengers found out about it and sort of demanded that they get to go for a ride there too. It’s taken off from there, and has turned into an Event. Now we offer a flight and 2 nights’ stay at Sun Mountain Lodge, which makes for a truly fine weekend getaway. This year, we are very nearly sold out already. The only flights left are 2 spots on Friday mornings’ flight on March 5, and we still have room for 2 folks if they want to pay the big bucks for a private flight on Sunday morning. But there’s a catch; The Lodge is full! So if anyone wants to book those last couple of flights, you’ll have to find accommodations on your own. This of course adjusts your rate downward, so if you still want to fly with us, let us know and maybe we can help you find a room somewhere in the valley. And if not, there’s always next year! For more info click here;